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- TidBITS#72/15-Jul-91
- ====================
- Copyright 1990-1992 Adam & Tonya Engst. Non-profit, non-commercial
- publications may reprint articles if full credit is given. Other
- publications please contact us. We do not guarantee the accuracy
- of articles. Publication, product, and company names may be
- registered trademarks of their companies. Disk subscriptions and
- back issues are available.
- For more information send electronic mail to info@tidbits.uucp or
- Internet: ace@tidbits.uucp -- CIS: 72511,306 -- AOL: Adam Engst
- TidBITS -- 9301 Avondale Rd. NE Q1096 -- Redmond, WA 98052 USA
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- MailBITS/15-Jul-91
- SevenBITS/15-Jul-91
- Apple Recalls
- For Little Macs
- Ambulatory Computing
- Reviews/15-Jul-91
- MailBITS/15-Jul-91
- ------------------
- In late breaking news (I just heard this morning from Mark H.
- Anbinder and others) it appears that Borland, one of the main PC
- developers, has purchased Ashton-Tate, makers of dBASE IV,
- FullWrite, and Full Impact. I don't know the details yet, but I
- gather some incredible amount of money was involved - along the
- lines of $500 million. My guess is that Borland wanted to use some
- of the dBASE technology in its Paradox database, especially since
- I seem to remember something about a dBASE-compatible database
- language Borland was working on. I doubt Borland's purchase will
- significantly affect the Macintosh market for the moment, but it
- does point toward fewer, larger companies and lots of strategic
- mergers. Interesting, if you consider that almost no great
- products have come from a strategic agreement between two well-
- known companies. More next week.
- Mark also writes, "Did you get a mailing from Beagle Bros
- recently? I just got a great one: In big letters:
- "Sure. We could tell you. But then we would have to kill you."
- The body text:
- "Everyone knows Beagle Bros wouldn't hurt a fly. So, even if
- you're dying to know, we can't tell you. Not yet, anyway. When you
- do find out, we think you'll agree. It was worth the wait. This
- August, we'll introduce a Macintosh product with unprecedented
- functionality. A technology breakthrough that will change how you
- create and process information on your Mac. In addition to the
- power, you'll like its flexibility and ease of use. Be one of the
- first to witness the unveiling of this exciting new product. Be
- sure to bring this flier to Booth #1844 at Macworld Boston to
- receive a special gift. Then discover this revolutionary new
- program for yourself. The fact is, we wish we could tell you more.
- But we can't. Although, we can say one thing for sure. The way you
- use your Macintosh is about to change." [Revolutionary, eh? I
- don't think I've seen anything revolutionary in a long time. Maybe
- they've come up with MacGuillotine. Nah, Beagle Bros is a good
- company and has been producing good stuff since the early days of
- the Apple II. But I do want to know what it is, so Mark had better
- let us know in a future issue of TidBITS.]
- As I just said above, Mark will write and edit TidBITS for
- approximately a month during our move to Seattle. His first issue
- will be 29-Jul-91 and we hope to pick it up again for 26-Aug-91.
- If you can help out with an article or two during this time, Mark
- will appreciate it greatly. Like the rest of the human race, Mark
- is very busy and TidBITS can take some time to do, especially if
- you haven't done it a lot, which he hasn't. So try to pitch in if
- you can (we already have a couple of people helping out with
- Macworld Expo coverage), and please be understanding if there are
- a few more glitches than usual. Creating an issue is fairly
- complex and I don't know if I've remembered to tell Mark how to do
- everything.
- Poor John Norstad. Just after he finds some bugs in Disinfectant
- 2.5 and fixes them in 2.5.1, it turns out to be incompatible with
- Speed Beep 2.0 (and 2.0.5). He writes, "I have verified that my
- Disinfectant 2.5.1 INIT and Speed Beep 2.0 are incompatible. You
- can use one or the other, but not both together. There is no
- workaround. According to the Speed Beep documentation, Speed Beep
- 2.0 refuses to work if some later INIT also patches the SysBeep
- trap. The Disinfectant 2.5.1 INIT patches this trap. Do not try to
- fix this by making Speed Beep load after the Disinfectant INIT -
- if you try to do this, the Disinfectant INIT will no longer detect
- some viruses properly! There is nothing I can do in Disinfectant
- to fix this problem. My patch is very small, perfectly legal, and
- necessary to properly detect one of the viruses. The only possible
- solution to the problem would be a change to Speed Beep."
- Beagle Bros, Inc. -- 619/452-5500
- Information from:
- Mark H. Anbinder -- mha@baka.uucp
- Beagle Bros propaganda -- D0086@applelink.apple.com
- John Norstad -- j-norstad@nwu.edu
- SevenBITS/15-Jul-91
- -------------------
- I just heard from Roy McDonald (president of Connectix) that they
- have a newer and snazzier version of MAXIMA. I haven't received
- the copy that he said they sent me, but I'll write more about it
- later. MAXIMA 2.0 is essentially a RAM disk and memory enhancement
- utility, but one with power coming out of its ears. It works under
- both System 6 and System 7 under either 24-bit or 32-bit
- addressing and no longer is limited to systems with more than 8 MB
- of physical RAM. In 24-bit mode, MAXIMA allows you to use up to 14
- MB of physical RAM for application memory. Connectix is aiming
- MAXIMA at users who have lots of memory but for various reasons
- (most notably incompatible software) must stay in 24-bit mode,
- which limits the amount of available RAM. When you use the RAM
- disk capabilities of MAXIMA, the RAM disk (created in whatever
- size you desire) appears on the desktop like any other hard disk.
- Any other hard disk, that is, with an access time in the
- nanoseconds. If the RAM disk contains a System and Finder, MAXIMA
- automatically uses it as the boot volume, which speeds up standard
- usage significantly. Lest you be concerned about losing
- information, MAXIMA's RAM Disk can survive system crashes and
- restarts as long as the power isn't interrupted. I assume that
- Connectix has figured out a method of preventing memory from being
- cleared at restart, which I find quite impressive. If you do need
- to shut off the Mac, MAXIMA can save its contents to a folder on
- the hard disk and then reload them on the next startup. This I
- have to try! MAXIMA 2.0 will list for $129, and upgrades will be
- free to currently registered users of the previous version.
- International Business Software's DataClub virtual server has been
- out for a while now, and I've done a little testing on the copy
- they sent me. Unfortunately, that version isn't completely
- compatible with System 7, which cut my testing short. The disk
- space on the System 7 Mac seems to be available to System 6 Macs,
- but the System 7 Mac can't connect to the server and you can't
- reconfigure the DataClub Control Panel under System 7 if it is
- active. I think that if I didn't want to use the disk space on the
- System 7 Mac, I could have used it as a client machine without
- difficulty. I was extremely impressed with the ease of
- installation and setup, though. Installing on our Macs here took a
- whopping two minutes and didn't require looking at the manual at
- all. For a powerful networking package, such ease of installation
- impresses me, but you have to realize that I've had lots of knock-
- down, drag-out fights with TOPS on different networks. IBS isn't
- letting us down, though, and in August, DataClub 2.0 should be
- out, boasting full System 7 compatibility (aliasing, Balloon Help,
- 32-bit addressing and TrueType). In addition, IBS has figured out
- some new methods of dealing with things that increase DataClub's
- performance by up to five times (and it was already faster than
- TOPS and AppleShare in many cases). I look forward to receiving
- the new version so I can report on it in more depth. Upgrades will
- be free if you bought DataClub after 01-Jun-91. For one and three
- user packs registered before that date, the price is $59; for 10
- user packs, it's $99, and 50 user packs are $399.
- In one respect, DataClub 2.0 won't be as accomplished as 1.1. IBS
- decided to spin off the dedicated server feature of DataClub 1.1
- into a separate product, DataClub Dedicated. As far as I can tell,
- DataClub Dedicated works just like DataClub 2.0 except that it
- completely takes over its assigned Mac (other than mail and other
- background tasks). Using one or more servers running DataClub
- Dedicated results in even more storage space and better
- performance, because nothing else is happening on that Mac.
- Needless to say, DataClub Dedicated is designed for very large
- networks and supports up to 200 users, half of which could be
- DataClub Dedicated servers (though that would be a little strange
- - 100 users and 100 servers). The beauty of DataClub is that even
- with multiple DataClub Dedicated servers and other copies of
- DataClub 2.0, each user sees only one server with huge amounts of
- disk space, which is much easier to work with than a desktop
- cluttered with multiple servers.
- Murph Sewall writes, "A couple of other really cute System 7
- freeware extensions are "Optional Help" (which works fine with
- HelpMeister) and "Switch." Optional Help lets you define a
- "hotkey" for balloons (if HelpMeister is used to turn on Balloon
- Help, then the "hotkey" is the control key). Switch lets those of
- us who have keyboards with startup keys use that key to cycle
- applications (even niftier than "Just click" and doesn't require
- foregoing System 7's standard application menu). Since I leave my
- IIci on all the time, the startup key has been vestigial up to
- this point. It's nice to have something for it to do :-). I also
- use Applicon which is an even nicer way of gaining nearly instant
- access to background applications. MacWrite II's "WordFinder"
- thesaurus DA also requires MacWrite II as the foreground
- application (maybe that's one thing version 1.1v2, which was
- supposed to be mailed in June but hasn't arrived yet, is supposed
- to fix?). I installed the WordFinder in MacWrite II version 1.1v1
- with Font/DA Mover 4.1 which I got with the TrueType disks for
- System 6 (hold down the option key while clicking OPEN)."
- Connectix -- 800/950-5880
- International Business Software -- 800/733-2822
- Information from:
- Roy McDonald -- connectix@applelink.apple.com
- IBS -- IBSUS@applelink.apple.com
- Murph Sewall -- sewall@uconnvm.bitnet
- Related articles:
- MacWEEK -- 25-Jun-91, Vol. 5, #24, pg. 16
- InfoWorld -- 01-Jul-91, Vol. 13, #26, pg. 36
- Apple Recalls
- -------------
- No company is perfect, so good companies are known by their
- willingness to admit defeat and recall and replace poor products.
- Apple has a rather checkered past in this regard in the past
- (remember the sticky hard drives fiasco?) but has issued a couple
- of product recalls recently that indicate honesty may be on the
- upswing.
- People always complain about the various versions of the Apple
- mouse, but a certain version has a problem that may be more
- serious than a bad feel or wimpy ball. If you've got a mouse
- marked as "Made in USA" (hmm, wonder what that says about domestic
- manufacturing?) and has an 11-digit serial number ranging from
- AP038xxxxxx through AP103xxxxxx (inclusive), then you've got a
- mouse that is susceptible to static electricity. Speaking as
- someone who somehow gathers static electricity like... I won't
- display my physics ignorance by making an incorrect simile, so
- suffice it to say that I can provide fireworks in a darkened room
- when the humidity is low in the winter. I know how these poor
- mouses feel and sometimes I'd like to curl up and die, just like
- them. They don't have enough shielding to protect their little
- mouse control boards. If the mouse suffers a major shock, the
- shock may disable the ASIC controller, which will appear to the
- user as a complete loss of horizontal and/or vertical cursor
- movement. In other words, it will be dead.
- You're likely to have one of these mouses if you bought a Mac that
- shipped between September of 1990 and January of 1991. Our more
- alert readers will note that any Mac purchased in that date range
- is still under warranty, but Apple realizes that a special product
- return program will eliminate the problem more quickly and with
- less hassle. Apple is generously covering all mouses until June
- 15th, 1993, whether or not the mouse in question has actually
- died. After June 15th, 1993, it's your problem. This return
- program will give you a chance to rate your dealer's level of
- customer service. Apple's note to dealers tells them to check the
- mouse when setting up a Macintosh and to notify customers who may
- have afflicted mouses to check on their mouses. I wonder how many
- dealers will really do this?
- The second product being pulled back into Cupertino is the
- Macintosh Portable Power Adapter. Supposedly a small number of
- these buggers are failing, and all of them have the potential to
- fail (don't we all!). Apple makes it clear that the afflicted (it
- sounds better than "affected," which is the word Apple uses) power
- adapters pose no safety hazard. It would have been more exciting
- if they blew up under the right circumstances, much like the Mac
- Plus and some IBM PS/2 monitors could do, complete with thick
- clouds of black smoke.
- You can identify a bad power adapter by a shifty look in its power
- adapter eyes, and a number of tatoos, including "Model No. M5136,"
- "Made in Taiwan," "Mother," a heart with an arrow through it, and,
- in a private place, a 13-digit serial number ranging from
- 9048A2xxxxxxx through 9116A2xxxxxxx (inclusive). If the power
- adapter in question meets those identifying characteristics,
- you've got a bad dude power adapter on your hands, but at least we
- can't blame the American manufacturing system for this failure,
- since these guys are definitely imports. These adapters started
- shipping with the backlit version of the Portable in March and
- were eradicated from Apple stock in April, so if you've got a bad
- one, bring it back to your dealer for a new one before June 15th,
- 1993, whether or not it works (don't want any lazy, freeloading
- power adapters out in decent society). Once again, your dealer
- should notify those who might be harboring bad power adapters - or
- maybe Apple should just start distributing a "10 Most Wanted"
- poster.
- Information from:
- Mark H. Anbinder -- mha@baka.uucp
- For Little Macs
- ---------------
- Not to be mean or anything, but the Plus, SE, and Classic have two
- main problems. First, they're slow, and depending on what you want
- to use (like PageMaker 4.0 over LocalTalk from another Plus)
- comparisons to molasses in January aren't even fair. Second, they
- have small screens, especially if you talk to a PC user who
- doesn't know much about screen resolutions. Of course, if you
- belong to the Apple Computer School of Upgrades, the obvious
- solution is to run right out and plunk down the bucks for a IIci
- with 19" color monitor. For those of us more wary of our wallets,
- there are a few more options.
- Accelerators have been around for some time, but the latest one
- for the Plus comes from Brainstorm Products. Most of the simple
- accelerators replace the 8 MHz 68000 with a 16 MHz 68000, which
- can significantly increase the Mac's speed. Brainstorm's
- accelerator uses the 16 MHz 68000 and also includes a ASIC to
- replace an Apple timing chip. The custom ASIC acts as a bus
- accelerator, so data traveling over the internal bus will move at
- the same 16 MHz speed as the processor. In real life, Brainstorm
- claims this will triple the speed of screen redraws, double the
- speed of basic calculations, and increase SCSI transfer speed by
- up to five times. To match the accelerator's speed, you do need to
- use RAM rated at 120 nanoseconds or faster - the slower 150
- nanosecond RAM won't cut it. My guess is that an accelerated Plus
- will run about the speed of a Portable, which uses the same CPU at
- 16 MHz. David Lau mentioned on Usenet that he had gotten one of
- these accelerators and was pleased with it. The only problem he
- could find was speed degradation using AppleTalk under System 7,
- which Brainstorm said they plan to fix in software soon. He also
- confirmed that Brainstorm made accurate speed claims.
- The accelerator (which doesn't appear to have a name - the rep I
- spoke with never mentioned it) costs $249, and Brainstorm has been
- shipping the version for the Plus for several months. An expansion
- card for the SE should ship later this summer, and Brainstorm
- hopes to provide a version for the Classic by the end of the year.
- Since the versions for the Plus and the Classic are just chips and
- the SE version requires cracking the case, the upgrades must be
- installed by a dealer. They also have a one year warranty. So if
- you're looking to put a little life back in your Plus, give
- Brainstorm a call. Given the price of a used Plus these days, it's
- probably worth putting a couple of hundred dollars into it to
- spruce it up for modern times.
- A little extra speed is nice, but you may have noticed that you
- spend an awful amount of time scrolling around on screen. Why do
- you think so many people buy full page monitors? Technology Fusion
- may have the cheap answer, TotalVision. The TotalVision board
- gives a Plus, SE, or Classic a virtual screen up to 1024 by 1024
- pixels in size. Stepping Out, a software utility, did the same
- thing, but because Stepping Out ran in software, it could slow the
- Mac down by up to 25%. TotalVision does all of the graphics
- processing necessary to simulate the large screen in hardware,
- which makes it extremely fast. You can modify the screen size with
- a Control Panel, and a persistent menu lets you perform some other
- useful actions. You can increase the screen resolution from 72 dpi
- to 90 dpi, which allows you to see the entire width of a normal
- page on screen; you can instantly move to the upper left (home) of
- the virtual screen; you can zoom in two times; you can inverse the
- video, which some people prefer, though I suspect those people
- would also prefer working on an amber PC monitor; you can freeze
- the virtual panning; and finally, you can do a screen dump of the
- entire virtual screen.
- Like the Brainstorm accelerator, the SE version is a card, but the
- Plus and Classic versions plug onto the processor directly. Once
- again, it's a job for a dealer, but Technology Fusion includes a
- coupon for a free installation by an Apple dealer in the $349 list
- price. There's no telling if these products would work together,
- but if they did, they would provide a lot of life for the older
- Macs. Hmm, I may have to suggest that Brainstorm and Technology
- Fusion pool their resources to come up with a hybrid of the two
- products. Could be pretty popular.
- Brainstorm -- 415/964-2131
- Technology Fusion -- 303/278-1295
- Information from:
- David Lau -- lau@aero.org
- Brainstorm rep
- Related articles:
- MacWEEK -- 05-Feb-91, Vol. 5, #5, pg. 82
- MacWEEK -- 16-Apr-91, Vol. 5, #14, pg. 9
- Ambulatory Computing
- --------------------
- Anything that allows the user to leave the desk interests me. I'm
- always frustrated by not having my complete electronic environment
- with me when I'm working away from my Mac. Innovations from Apple
- and others are slowly bringing the dream of completely ambulatory
- (and no, I don't mean using your portable on the way to the
- hospital) computing into focus.
- In the realm of real products that you can actually go out and
- buy, Microcom has some deals on their remote computing software
- and hardware that might be worth checking out. For those of you
- who aren't familiar with it, Carbon Copy allows you to control one
- Mac from another connected by a modem or network. You can also
- transfer files and run applications over the link, though you'll
- want a fast connection for applications. If you purchase a single
- user copy of Carbon Copy for the Mac or a MacModem (which includes
- Carbon Copy, a 9600 bips v.32 modem, QuickLink II, and a MacModem
- wake up cable for use with Mac II-class machines), you get another
- one free. If you want the Unlimited Users version of Carbon Copy
- you get it for half price. The single copy of Carbon Copy is $99,
- the MacModem is $1099, and the Unlimited Users version of Carbon
- Copy is (with the discount) $149, all of which are quite
- reasonable prices. In each case you get a 60 day money back
- guarantee, so if you're interested, give Microcom a call. If
- you're interested in comparing Carbon Copy 2.0 and Farallon's
- Timbuktu 4.0 (which also does color), remember that there is a
- functional demo version on America Online, AppleLink, and
- CompuServe, though keep in mind that it takes about an hour to
- download at 2400 bips. Still, Microcom's prices are hard to beat
- with this offer.
- In the realm of "unannounced products," Apple has several cute
- items that will make remote computing much more interesting.
- Everyone has heard about Apple's portables that should show up
- sometime this fall, probably in the latter half of October. I've
- heard that users find the smallest one, which has a 16 MHz 68000,
- 20 MB hard disk, and a decent LCD screen for under $2000,
- extremely nice to work with. It's only about five and half pounds
- and mainly suffers from having no plug for an external monitor nor
- an internal floppy drive, although you can get an external floppy.
- If Apple was smart, they would come up with a little plastic
- adapter that would allow the external floppy to attach to the side
- of the portable, making it into a single unit. I wouldn't be
- surprised if sales of the Classic will suffer at the hands of this
- new portable anyway, and if the more powerful portables include
- floppy drives and video-out sockets, the high-end desktop Macs
- might dip in popularity in comparison. The final interesting
- feature of this portable is that somewhat like the Mac IItx, our
- April Fools machine, it can dock to another Mac via a SCSI cable
- and operate as a hard disk. I'd still like to see the ability to
- attach the portable to a desktop Mac via LocalTalk and use its
- processor for some distributed processing work, but that might be
- looking a bit too far into the hazy future.
- I mention this portable partly because it sounds like a good
- machine and partly because of its role in another technology Apple
- has underway. Called 976, this technology allows a Mac to call
- another Mac via modem and operate as though the two were on the
- same AppleTalk network. Dial-up AppleTalk could seriously enhance
- the way many people work, especially when combined with a tiny
- portable like the one I just described. Imagine this situation.
- You are a consultant, or anyone who has to work away from your
- desk at times. You obviously can't lug your Mac around with you
- the entire time, but you can take a six pound portable and a modem
- (it can have an internal 2400 bips modem that can also send faxes,
- but that might not be fast enough for real work). All you have to
- do is make an alias of your hard drive (you are running System 7,
- aren't you?) and copy it onto your portable while at work. Then,
- from home or from your client's office or the field office or the
- trade show, you can just call your Mac at work (OK, so you have to
- leave it running - though I guess you could use Microcom's wake up
- cable if you had a Mac II-class machine at work) and double-click
- on your hard disk's alias. You enter your password (wouldn't want
- just anyone calling your Mac and asking it out on a date, now
- would you?), and poof, your hard disk is sitting there on your
- portable's desktop. All your files are there, all your
- applications are available, and you can even use printers and
- other network devices. Hey, I'd use it. Apparently it is usable at
- 2400 bips and quite nice at 9600 or 19200 bips. I don't know when
- it will be out, but my guess is either this fall or early next
- year - but that is a guess, there's nothing but assumption backing
- it up.
- Speaking of assumption, the only thing that could snazz up this
- scenario further yet would be wireless networking. I haven't heard
- much more about that from Apple, but you have to figure that
- General Magic isn't sitting around playing SimEarth all day long.
- I have heard that Motorola has a new wireless networking scheme in
- the works, this time based on a paging network. It is one way
- since it can only receive messages (you have to use a normal modem
- to send stuff out), but it would be ideal for use with electronic
- mail. Motorola has only shown it working with HP's tiny 95LX
- palmtop, but it can work with any computer outfitted with a serial
- port. Eventually, Motorola hopes the system, called EMBARC
- (Electronic Mail Broadcast to A Roaming Computer) will support
- more sophisticated network activities like file updating such as
- that provided by Publish & Subscribe and Microsoft's Object
- Linking and Embedding (OLE).
- In some cases, you might not need an entire computer with you when
- you're working. If you mainly need large quantities of static
- information at your fingertips, all you really need is something
- to pull the information from and something to display it. Two
- companies have come up with just such devices, Colby with their
- Pocket Info Pac and Reddy Information Systems with Red. Both
- systems use Reflection Technologies's Private Eye display device,
- but there the similarities end. The Pocket Info Pac is merely a
- RAM-based slide projector. You put a bunch of RAM in (1 MB is
- standard) and then you can fill up the RAM with numerous screens
- of data via a serial port. You can then flip through them using a
- number keypad much like a TV remote control. The standard version
- is available now for $899 and you can spend up to $2999, depending
- on how much memory you put in. 1 MB will hold about 150 images,
- depending, of course, on the type of data. The Pocket Info Pac
- runs about 6 hours on nicad batteries or 12 hours on AA alkaline
- batteries. In contrast, Red is more of a full-fledged computer,
- but one which is still designed to get information out rather than
- to put information in. It costs $2500, but includes a CD-ROM
- drive, a proprietary computer, a SmartCard drive (for updates and
- programs, perhaps?), a pointing device and the Private Eye. It
- will run about 3 hours on its nicad batteries. I don't have a
- sense of how popular these devices will become, but I suspect that
- they will suffer if the pen-based portables catch on, simply
- because people are happiest with a read/write computer. It also
- hurts that both Colby and Reddy are relatively small, unknown
- companies (no phone number for Reddy, sorry). If Apple or IBM came
- out with one of these beasts, they might catch on more quickly.
- Microcom -- 800/688-1750
- Motorola -- 407/364-2000
- Colby -- 415/941-9090
- Information from:
- Microcom propaganda
- Pythaeus
- Related articles:
- MacWEEK -- 25-Jun-91, Vol. 5, #24, pg. 1
- PC WEEK -- 03-Jun-91, Vol 8, #22, pg. 41
- Macworld -- Apr-91, pg. 95
- BYTE -- Jun-91, pg. 28
- Reviews/15-Jul-91
- -----------------
- * InfoWorld
- QuickTime, pg. 47
- Form Design Programs, pg. 97
- Claris SmartForm Designer 1.1
- PowerUp Fast Forms 2.0
- Shana Informed Designer 1.1.1
- References:
- InfoWorld -- 08-Jul-91, Vol. 13, #27
- PC WEEK -- 08-Jul-91, Vol. 8, #27
- ..
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